Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dystopia Filter

DystopiaFilter, originally uploaded by kngee.

A friend of mine Steve Holding put this show together in Brooklyn, NY.

A multimedia exhibition featuring visual artists from NYC, Boston, Japan, LA, and Portland, OR.

Aug. 7
7p-9p, after party follow with Dj Pegasus

440 Broadway/ 4L
Brooklyn, NY11211

1 comment:

rena said...

hey man - was in boston for a wedding last weekend and saw your pieces that are hanging at the good life. remembered how much i fucking love your stencil work! are you coming down for this? not sure if i can pull it off, as i'm going to be at another wedding in new england this weekend, and i'm not getting back to nyc until right around this time. i'll see what i can do.

hope you are well, glad to know you're still creating.